September 9, 2021 - COVID Update
January 17, 2025September 9, 2021 - COVID Update
September 9, 2021
Dear fellow St. Boniface parishioners,
Are you ready for some football?! That was the iconic opening for many years of the NFL’s
Monday night game, sung by the legendary Hank Williams, Jr.. Now we approach the beginning
of a new NFL season, and it seems providential that it should also be the weekend we begin our
new faith formation cycle at St. Boniface. Football is a contest in which teams work together to
achieve a common goal, a Super Bowl ring, against their opponents, the other teams in the
league. Faith formation is a contest in which we work together to achieve a common goal,
eternal salvation, against our opponents, all the powers of this world lined up against us.
Whether powers of sin or pride, selfishness or arrogance, bitterness or division, or any others,
we unite our families with Christ to overcome those powers and to achieve our goal, whatever it
takes, all the way to the cross.
On the night before he died, Jesus showed his disciples the way to victory, not by asserting
himself but by humbling himself, stooping down and serving them as a slave, washing their feet:
“So when he had washed their feet, he put his garments back on, and, reclining again at table,
he said to them, ‘Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’
and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet,
you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow so that as I have done
for you, you should also do’” (John 13:12-15).
His self-giving love for his brothers and sisters at the Last Supper did not end with that gesture.
He also gave them the sacrament of his Body and Blood in the Eucharist, a perpetual memorial
of the ultimate sacrifice he would make for us on the cross and a perpetual participation in that
victory, even over death itself. Now, we who share in the Eucharist share in that sacrifice and in
the victory it brings, and we live it in our daily lives by humbly serving one another, just as Jesus
did. Every time we strip ourselves of pride and selfishness, every time we kneel before others in
humility rather than arrogance and self-assurity, every time we serve others rather than
ourselves, we become one with Christ in his saving victory on the cross, poured out in the
Eucharist that we celebrate together.
That is who we are as Christians, a team of believers who sacrifice ourselves in union with
Christ in the service of others and, by doing so, secure the victory of eternal life. Faith formation
is the process by which we teach and nurture our team to achieve that victory. But we realize
that we can’t do this alone. We do so first and above all by the grace of God, who calls us to be
on his team, and by the support we receive from each other, beginning in our homes and
radiating out to the whole community.
Our theme for this faith formation year is “God Calls,” recalling that God is the owner, general
manager, coach, and captain of our team. He creates us, blesses us, calls us, and sends us to
do his will, not our own, but he also inspires and teaches us through the faith stories of his
people who have come before us to answer his call and to use our gifts in his service by serving
others. Our faith formation families will reflect on those stories together throughout the coming
year in our monthly faith formation Masses and faith sharing sessions, beginning this Sunday,
September 12th, at 9:00 AM, and we will send families home with resources and guidance to
continue the reflection in your daily lives.
Our hope is that the prayerful reflection and study that families do at home will bear rich fruit that
you then bring back with you to share with the whole community, enabling all of us to grow as a
team toward our shared victory in Christ. Our time together at Mass and in our group sessions
will also give us much needed practice in self-sacrificing, Christlike service which can then lead
us to victory over the powers of the world in our daily lives. One area in particular where we are
being called at this time to practice self-sacrificing service in union with Christ is observing
mandatory COVID-19 safety protocols while at faith formation Masses and group sessions,
wearing masks and social distancing. Sadly, this issue has become highly politicized, confusing
people and breeding division. We have no intention of wading into that political controversy at
St. Boniface’s faith formation events. While we are blessed to live in a country where free and
open political debate is not only allowed but encouraged, church and faith formation events are
not the place or time for that debate. They are, however, the perfect place and time to practice
humble, self-sacrificing, Christ-like service, regardless of one’s political opinions. That means
that we all need to observe the current mask mandate while at faith formation Mass and group
sessions. If that is something you cannot do, for whatever reason, please let us know and we
will provide you with alternatives for faith formation.
“Love one another as I love you” (John 15:12). Jesus loves us so much that he died on a cross
for us. What does that mean for the self-sacrificing love we must show each other? Are you
ready for faith formation?! Let’s kick it off right by loving one another as Christ loves us, and
please let Mrs. Yaple, our Faith Formation Director, or me know if there is ever any way we can
help you and your family do so.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Marc
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