Parish Ministries
Matthew 25:40 - the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least of mine, you did for me. Jesus clearly instructs the faithful to help those in need.
In an effort to address both the immediate and ongoing needs of our Church, community and the world, the Catholic Community of St. Boniface strives to provide support and assistance in a variety of ministries. Together in ministry, we become the hands and feet of our Lord, as we reach out to all those in need. We continue to welcome new members to our ministries and encourage everyone to participate in whatever way God has called them to help.
Your Gift of Ministry
Your gift of ministry will be greatly appreciated by all. As St. Paul reminds us, "We are many parts, but we are all one body." Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to be apart of our Ministry Team. Take some time and examine the many ministries we currently have available. These are listed to the left. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please feel free to contact the Ministry Leaders.
Click the links below to learn more about the work of our parishioners.
The Adult Formation Team helps to provide ongoing adult learning opportunities for all those seeking deeper understanding of God, the Church, and of all creation.
Please contact Mary and Tim Good, 739-2986, for additional information.
Advancing Catholic Education Committee
To encourage parents to consider enrolling their child(children) in one of the six schools that are part of the Erie Catholic School System emphasizing the importance of a Catholic education. We also make them aware that there is scholarship money available to help pay for tuition—first applying for the STAR program at the Diocese and we at St. Boniface also have available the Allgeier Scholarship.
Our committee also decided to prepare gift bags to welcome newly baptized babies to our parish.
We also prepare gift bags welcoming new parishioners to St. Boniface.
The choir assists and encourages the singing of the congregation, and adds beauty and solemnity to the liturgy.
The choir is open to all parishioners of high school age and older. Rehearsal takes place Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the church. For more information contact Mercita Hodapp at 814-882-6383
Coffee and Donut Sundays express appreciation for the support given to the St. Boniface Food Pantry and provide an opportunity for fellowship among parishioners after Sunday Mass.
Once a month (with the exception of June and December) coffee, juice and donuts are provided by the food pantry for parishioners following each of the Sunday Masses. Donations for the Food Pantry are accepted at this time.
For information on helping the food pantry by sponsoring a Coffee and Donut Sunday, or volunteering to help serve and clean up, please contact John Jaworski at 814-823-3116.
The St. Boniface Cursillo Group is part of the larger Erie Cursillo Movement.
Cursillo is a “Short Course in Christianity” and is open to all parishioners at least 18 years old who desire to attend. Cursillos take place several months throughout the year.
Men and women make Cursillo separately.
The Palanca Party in support of each upcoming Cursillo during the month of the Cursillo. For further information and an application, please contact Roseanne Blair at 814-451-0211.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal states: “Because the assembly gathers in the presence of God to celebrate His saving deeds, liturgy climate is one of awe, mystery, wonder, reverence, thanksgiving and praise, so it cannot be satisfied with anything less than the beautiful in its environment and all its artifacts and movements.”
The goal of the team is to enrich the atmosphere of the church for our liturgical celebrations. Volunteer opportunities include helping plan the liturgical environment; maintaining the environment from week to week; flower arranging and care; and altar cloths creation and care. Generally this requires a once-a-month commitment and work in teams with flexible schedules.
Contact Parish Office at 814-825-4439.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of communion at Masses.
Confirmed practicing parishioners interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion may contact Deacon Tim.
The St. Boniface Food Pantry supplies food free of charge to those individuals and families who need assistance and live in the Wattsburg School District with an exception to Venango.
The Food Pantry is held every other Saturday morning. Preparations are made the Friday and early Saturday morning before the Pantry is open.
For an application for assistance through the Food Pantry or to volunteer time or monetary assistance, please call 814-825-1041. Please leave a message and Karen Allgeier or another board member will contact you.
The Greeters Ministry at St. Boniface works to ensure that all who gather to worship in our community will feel welcome. With a smile, a handshake or a hug, greeters welcome the assembly before the liturgy and wish them well as they leave. Greeters also provide necessary information about the church to visitors and others who request it.
If you are interested in becoming a greeter, please contact Jean Conn at 814-825-0095 for more information.
The interior of the church building is cleaned weekly by rotating teams of parishioners.
If you would like to help with this ministry, call Parish Office at 814-825-4439.
The Knights of Columbus is an international, fraternal organization of Catholic men who are committed to service to the Church and community. There are four main points that we all believe and use as our guide: Charity, Unity, Faith and Patriotism. The Knights believe that faith without works is dead (James 2, 14-17). Any Catholic man age 18 and older is invited to join the Knights.
Each council is chartered to the Supreme Council, Hartford, Connecticut. Each council adopts one or more parishes to focus their efforts on improving the parish spiritually and in any other way needed. However, each council is also committed to serving their community and nation as well. We have a strong belief in Pro Life, in helping the disabled, in promoting our faith and honoring our veterans.
Mary is our patron and intercessor. We pray the Rosary to honor Mary and ask for her help and guidance.
Our council name is Knights of Columbus, St. Boniface-Erie, Council number 13427. The St. Boniface Knights are proud to continue the vision of our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney who chartered the first Council on March 29, 1882 at St. Mary’s Parish, New Haven, Connecticut.
Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., the Zapolski Conference Room. Please contact Grand Knight, David Lunger at 814-897-3917, or any Knight for more information.
The Ministry of Lector allows the Word of God to become proclaimed among his people.
Lectors are a vital part of the Eucharistic celebration of the church and are responsible for the readings during the Mass at St. Boniface. To be a lector is to become familiar with all of Scripture including Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and to have the ability to stand in front of the gathered people to proclaim.
Confirmed practicing parishioners interested in the ministry of lector can contact Deacon Tim at 814-739-2986 for additional information.
This group plans meaningful liturgy through the coordination of ritual, environment and music to reflect the theme of the readings and the current liturgical seasons. The committee also plans liturgies for special events and holy days.
Since good liturgy reflects the faith experience of the community, the committee welcomes anyone who feels called to serve in this way.
For more information, please contact Cindy Srnka at 814-899-9509.
When members of our parish family are unable to join us at Mass, it is our privilege to visit them, and bring with us Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
Age is no limiting factor. One can be homebound at any age due to an extended illness, car accident or other reasons. You are not forgotten.
The Pastor visits once a month; we visit the other three weeks. Anyone who feels called to visit the sick is urged to join us. Here is a unique opportunity to meet the saints among us. They are a powerhouse of prayer. Let them minister to you, too.
Anyone interested can contact Cheryl Ferrie at 814-825-8839 or the parish office at 814-825-4439.
To follow our mission: Christ Jesus, you call us together as a parish to sow and nurture the seeds of God’s saving love in the hearts and minds of all our neighbors and beyond by living your gospel. This group uses collaboration with ministries within St. Boniface parish and outside St. Boniface parish to identify resources and provide opportunity for support to those who find themselves in financial, mental, or physical need. Contact: Marty Kosiorek 814-825-3854 (phone or text) or email:
The Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who advice the pastor about important matters of parish life and who chair the task forces charged with developing and implementing our parish pastoral plan. Regular meetings are held every other month and the minister are posted on the parish bulletin board. For more information, or if you have an issue you would like the Pastoral Council to discuss, please call the parish office.
A notebook is provided on the podium in the back of church for prayer requests. To pray for these requests, parishioners are encouraged to copy or review the list. You may also contact the Parish Office at 814-825-4439 for more information.
The St. Boniface Prayer Shawl Ministry first started in December of 2009 as an outreach to all those in need of prayer. Members come together to pray, to share our faith, and to create beautiful shawls. Once completed, these shawls are blessed and gifted to others. At home, we continue to work on the shawls, keeping an atmosphere of prayer on behalf of those who will receive them. The prayer shawl becomes a gift of love for those making them as well as those receiving. Over 1000 shawls have already been made and given with love!
We are an ecumenical group and welcome anyone with a desire to share their talent, love and prayer with others. We meet the first Friday of each month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at St. Boniface. Call Ginny Stanton at 814-746-5008 (, Mary Good at 739-2986 or Penny Warmbrod at 814-825-2518.
Cub Scout Pack 154
More than 100 Cub Scouts from Pack 154 call St. Boniface home and have special events here, including a Pinewood Derby. For more information, call Chris Fox at 814-449-2167.
Boy Scout Troop 133
Troop 133 was established in 1954 with St. Boniface being the chartered organization and is open to any scout regardless of where they reside. The practice is to have Scouts run the Troop with the adults providing guidance and oversight. This gives the scouts the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills. The Troop meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Scout Room during the school year.
One of the goals is to provide opportunities for the scouts to enjoy the outdoors which is accomplished with monthly campouts. We try new areas for campouts with biking the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania and viewing the Elk in Benezette, PA being a couple of our past adventures. The troop has a garage where we store a dual axle enclosed trailer, camping equipment, cooking equipment, canoes, row boat and two kayaks. We spend the summer months canoeing and fishing at either Lake Pleasant or Eaton Reservoir and hold an annual combination bicycle and canoeing competition called Peddle-Paddle.
For more information call Scout Master Tim Stiffler at stifflertim11@gmail or Committee Chairman Chris Cifelli at 814-825-6781.
The St. Boniface Quilters have been creating beautiful quilts since 1979. Quilting is done at the Greene Township Building Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Quilts have been donated to the parish priests, St. Boniface festivals, The Knights of Columbus, St. Boniface 125th Centennial and other fundraising non-profit organizations. In addition, lap robes have been donated to the elderly, handicapped and pillow cases to the Food Pantry.
All quilts are hand quilted using cotton fabric that has been donated to the group or purchased from our dues.
If you are interested in learning and helping with this time-honored craft, contact Penny Warmbrod at 814-825-2518 or drop in any Wednesday. All are welcome and help is needed.
The Sympathy Committee provides wake luncheons for members of the parish.
Volunteers prepare and serve food, and clean up following the luncheon. Help is welcome for the much-appreciated service.
If interested in donating prepared dishes or help serving please contact Gerry Tomczak at 814-825-0020 or Jean Conn at 814-825-0095.
The Society fosters understanding of the Catholic Faith through community action and provides assistance to parishioners at Mass.
The Ushers Society is open to men 16 years or older. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at the Ushers Club. Applications for membership are available through any usher. David Ferry is the current president and can be reached at 814-825-3826.
The Welcome Team ministry at St. Boniface personally contacts and welcomes new parishioners and newly baptized into the fold to impart a real sense of belonging to the parish family, as well as getting to know new members and their interests. Welcome Team members pull together a special package of information and gifts for each new family and newly Baptized children. Call Pat Devine at 814-825-5849.