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The newest way that we reach out to the sick and homebound of our community is by posting videos of our Sunday Mass online. For those who cannot join us at Mass physically, this provides an opportunity to join us in prayer by way of the internet and to stay connected to the worship life of our parish. Mike & Tara Schupp have undertaken this newest way of "visiting" the sick on behalf of our parish, and we ask those who have homebound family members and friends to help them access the videos online. 

The 7:30 AM Sunday Mass continues to be livestreamed on YouTube for those who are unable to return to Mass at this time. It is available shortly after mass if you are unable to join during the live stream. Dates, when it is not feasible to record, will be posted here in advance.

Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-738104. All rights reserved.