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Catholic Ed. K-8

"Greetings from the committee to advance Catholic education at Saint Boniface Parish!  Catholic education provides – a faith-based and rigorous education that is rooted in Christian values and civic responsibility. Catholic schools are not just institutions, we are communities that embrace our Catholic identity, and nurture character and academic excellence in all of our children. In our community, we are served by the Erie Catholic School System (ECSS) as well as Saint Gregory Parish School in North East. The ECSS is comprised of six schools - Blessed Sacrament, Saint James, Saint George, Saint Jude, Saint Luke, and Our Lady of Peace. 
Here at Saint Boniface, we have also been blessed by the generosity of Norman and Agnes Allgeier. In their will, Norman and Agnes bequeathed scholarship support for students attending Saint Boniface School. Norman and Agnes were committed to making Catholic education a reality for any student in need. With the closing of our parish school in 2017, the Allgeier Catholic Education Scholarships were made available to all children who are currently registered at Saint Boniface Parish as well as children who were enrolled at Saint Boniface School during the 2016-2017 school year. To qualify for a guaranteed scholarship, eligible students must demonstrate financial need. If available funds exceed the financial need of eligible students for a given academic year, scholarships may also be available to students who do not meet the criteria to demonstrate financial need. This will be determined at the discretion of the Scholarship Awards Committee. Applications for the Allgeier Catholic Education Scholarship as well ECSS financial aid (STAR Foundation and Bishop’s Tuition Assistance Program) are available by clicking the links below. Allgeier Scholarship applications also available at the St. Boniface Parish office.
Grace and blessings, 
The St. Boniface Parish Advancing Catholic Education Committee
Links to scholarship information:

Erie Catholic School SystemErie Catholic School System https://www.eriecatholic.org